Troy to the Globe, London

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Back in September I posted about hollowing out my bust of Troy so that it could be fired.  Well, It was fired and didn’t take kindly to the heat – part of the left side blew off, cracked, and  then it warped.



As you an see, he lost his left ear and part of his neck and some bits were too small to collect.





I used some epoxy resin to stick the broken bits on and modelled in wax some to the bits that were missing.  I then applied a mix of “cognac” shoe polish [shoe polishes always have good colour fastness] mixed with lacquer to mask the various colours [clay, resin, and wax] and to also make it relatively water tight.


We took the bust to London towards the end of October so that it could appear at  The Globe, London as part of their display accompanying an Armistice Centenary event performed by  The Soldiers’ Arts Academy . We went to London then to see the dress rehearsal of  the Soldiers’ Arts Academy’s “Soldier On” at the Other Palace [on until 24 November] and that was early enough for the display at the Globe.  We had a great evening and I met some Chelsea pensioners – fascinating stories!

We went back to London on the 11th of November to see the Soldiers’s Arts Academy’s performance at the Globe and the next day [after amusements around London], we took the bust of Troy home.


A good outing; where next?






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