Monthly Archives: April 2019

York Open Studios

Last year I was chosen, along with Kate Buckley and Lue Jaques as students to show in York Open Studios.

We were hosted by The Winning Post pub on Bishopthorpe Road who kindly donated use of one of their dining areas.  My work went on window ledges and a plinth, Kate’s went on the walls, her own plinths and a table while Lue’s work went on her jewellery displays.

My work was a bit of a retrospective except a couple of pieces haven’t been mentioned on this site yet so here’s what was “new”.

These two guys are “the Conversation”, whilst below there is  “Susie” in special rusty plaster [cast from mould of her head in the York Garrison Memorial Project], “Susie looking down” in ceramic,  “Reprieve”, which is white glaze on ceramic, and “Tim” a buff ceramic treated with various metal oxides.

The other pieces on display are shown below and have entries elsewhere on the site.