Hilary [one of Jill’s sisters] kindly gave me the catalogue of the Elizabeth Frink exhibition at the Djanogly Gallery in Nottingham. The exhibition finishes at the end of February and I am pleased that I saw it last week.
My knowledge of Frink’s work before the catalogue arrived was of large-jawed ruggedly finished bronze men, often with faces painted white or having polished goggles. I was delighted to see the animals, the birds, the drawings and the robed figures. But I was moved by seeing the range of work at the gallery.
Photography, unfortunately, only allows one perspective on a sculpture and even moving round a sculpture filming limits the angles seen to those chosen by the person moving the camera. Moreover, with any photographic process, there are the subtle effects of depth of field, contrast and brightness, which the human eye “sorts out” to its own liking when seeing the actual object. So, from the limits of our humble camera, here’s a few shots not in the catalogue.
Cheers, Vincent